What Is an Amazon Smile?

Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile is a program created by Amazon to help customers donate to their favorite charitable organizations while shopping online. It was launched in 2013 and has since become a popular way for customers to give back without any additional cost. 

This program is available for customers in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan and many more countries.

Introduction to Amazon Smile

Many of us are Amazon shoppers, and with the convenience and wide variety of products available on the platform, it’s no surprise. However, with AmazonSmile, customers can now support their favorite charities while making purchases on Amazon. The program is designed to make giving back easy and effortless for customers.

How Does It Work?

AmazonSmile operates by donating 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization chosen by the customer. Eligible products are marked with an “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” label on their product detail page. 

Customers can choose from over a million charities registered with Amazon Smile, ranging from local organizations to well-known national and global organizations.

Benefits of Using Amazon Smile

Not only does Amazon Smile allow customers to support their favorite causes, but it also offers a range of benefits. Some of these include:

  • No additional cost to the customer: The donation is made by Amazon and does not affect the price of the product for the customer.
  • Easy set-up: Customers can choose their preferred charity and enable AmazonSmile with just a few clicks.
  • Wide range of charities: With over a million registered charities, customers can support causes that are close to their hearts.

How to Sign Up for Amazon Smile

Signing up for AmazonSmile is simple. Customers can follow these steps:

  1. Go to smile.amazon.com on your web browser.
  2. Log in using your existing Amazon account credentials.
  3. Select the charity you wish to support from the given list or search for a specific one.
  4. Start shopping and your chosen charity will automatically receive 0.5% of eligible purchases.

Making an Impact

With millions of customers shopping on Amazon every day, even small donations can add up to make a significant impact. Customers can feel good knowing that their everyday purchases are making a difference in the world and supporting causes they are passionate about.  

Amazon Smile makes it easy for customers to give back and be a part of something bigger. So next time you’re browsing through Amazon, remember to use AmazonSmile and make your purchases count towards a greater cause.

Amazon Smile on the Go

Customers can also give back while shopping on the go with the Amazon Shopping app. By going to “Settings” and selecting “AmazonSmile”, customers can choose their preferred charity and support it with every purchase made through the app. This makes it even more convenient for customers to make a difference in the world, no matter where they are.

Amazon Smile for Businesses

Business owners and employers can also make a difference by signing up for Amazon Smile through their business accounts. By enabling AmazonSmile, businesses can support charities while making purchases for their company. This not only helps to give back to the community, but it also allows businesses to showcase their philanthropic efforts to customers and employees.

Amazon Smile for Charities

Charities can also get involved with Amazon Smile by registering through the AmazonSmile Charity List. By joining the program, charities can receive donations from eligible purchases made by customers who choose to support them. This provides a new and easy way for charities to raise funds and spread awareness about their cause.

Join the Movement

With AmazonSmile, everyone has the opportunity to make a difference in the world, whether it’s through their everyday purchases, shopping on-the-go, or supporting charities. Join the movement and start using Amazon Smile today to give back and support causes that matter to you. 

Together, we can make a positive impact on our communities and create a better world for all.  So next time you shop on Amazon, don’t forget to turn on Amazon Smile and make your purchases count towards a greater cause. 


In conclusion, Amazon Smile is more than just a convenient way to shop, it’s also an opportunity to support charities and make a positive impact in the world. With its easy to use platform and wide selection of products, Amazon Smile makes it possible for anyone to give back and contribute to a greater cause.

So why wait? Start using AmazonSmile today and be a part of the movement towards creating a better world for all. Remember, every little bit counts, and with AmazonSmile, you can make a difference with just one click. 

Go ahead, shop with a purpose and make your purchases count. Thank you for choosing AmazonSmile!  So spread the word and help us create a world where shopping and giving go hand in hand. Let’s make every purchase matter with Amazon Smile.

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Amazon Smile